Media Center

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Ifakara Innovation Hub Logo Lines

Dos and Don'ts of IIH Brand Assets

You may only use the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets in the most current form provided by Ifakara Innovation Hub in the Ifakara Innovation Hub Style Guide above and in accordance with these Guidelines, including the do’s and don’ts outlined below:

  • Do not use the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets as part of any of your own trademarks, logos, company names, icons, product or feature names, domain names, social media handles, or avatars. For example, do not physically combine or intermingle any Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets with your own trademarks or logos; they must remain separate.

  • Do not modify the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets in any way, including by changing any colors or dimensions, obstructing or printing over any part of the asset, or adding your own design elements.

  • When you are designing your own website and marketing materials, do not imitate the distinctive look and feel of any of Ifakara Innovation Hub’s website, apps, logos, trade dress, slogans, taglines, color scheme, icons, or marketing materials. Also, do not register or use a domain name that incorporates “Ifakara Innovation Hub” or any confusingly similar term in the domain name itself.

  • Do not use any Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Asset in a damaging or derogatory way, or in connection with any social media or website that violates any law or Ifakara Innovation Hub’s User Terms of Service.

  • Trademarks are adjectives; be careful when using any Ifakara Innovation Hub trademark in text. Refrain from using any Ifakara Innovation Hub trademark as a noun or verb, or in a plural or possessive form. For example, you can use the Ifakara Innovation Hub trademark as an adjective followed by the appropriate noun identifying the relevant product or service (e.g., “the Ifakara Innovation Hub® entrepreneurship support platform”).

  • When you reference Ifakara Innovation Hub, your reference must clearly and accurately indicate your relationship to Ifakara Innovation Hub.

  • Do not use the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets in a way that suggests or implies sponsorship or endorsement by Ifakara Innovation Hub, or any affiliation with Ifakara Innovation Hub, including but not limited to making the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets larger or more prominently placed than your own house brand or trademark.

  • If you have questions about these Guidelines or proper use of the Ifakara Innovation Hub Brand Assets, please contact