From Brainstorm to Breakthrough: How to effectively generate ideas for your innovation

From Brainstorm to Breakthrough: How to effectively generate ideas for your innovation

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come – Victor Hugo

In today's fast-paced world, innovation is the driving force behind every successful venture. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding startup, or simply someone with a passion for problem-solving, mastering the art of idea generation is essential for staying ahead of the curve. In this article, we deep dive into some of the idea-generation techniques that innovators have used to successfully move from spark to success.

Let's start at the beginning;

What is Idea Generation?

An intentional search for new innovation opportunities involves generating a wide range of creative ideas to address a specific problem or need. This process emphasizes open, judgment-free brainstorming to encourage all ideas. The goal is to find and select the most promising solutions for further development.

There are various techniques that can be used by innovators to come up with ideas that effectively solve real life problems. These include;


A technique for generating ideas and solving problems that encourage quick ideation within a specified time frame in a relaxed, judgment-free atmosphere. The goal is that groundbreaking concepts emerge. After brainstorming, only the viable ones are turned into actionable strategies aligned with the product, while the rest are discarded.

Brainstorming does not exist in one form and has various ways in which it can be implemented, including but not limited to;

1. Brainwriting: Brainwriting is a form of brainstorming where participants individually write down their ideas on paper before sharing them with the group. This method allows for the simultaneous generation of ideas without the potential influence or bias of others, fostering a larger pool of diverse concepts.

2. Step Ladder Brainstorming: Step Ladder Brainstorming is a structured brainstorming technique where participants contribute ideas sequentially in a predetermined order. It typically begins with two individuals generating ideas, then each subsequent participant joins the discussion, adding new ideas while building upon those already presented. This method ensures that everyone's input is heard and encourages the exploration of a wide range of possibilities.

3. Round Robin: Round Robin is a brainstorming technique where each participant in a group contributes an idea in turn, going around the group until all members have had an opportunity to share. This method promotes equal participation and prevents dominant voices from overshadowing others. Additionally, it encourages active listening and collaboration among team members.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping visually organizes information, starting with a central concept and branching out into related ideas and subtopics. This method uses diagrams to capture and structure thoughts, making it easier to explore connections, generate new ideas, and understand complex concepts. Mind mapping aids in visualizing difficult concepts, showing any gaps and generating potential solutions.


Starbursting, on the other hand, is a structured brainstorming method focused on asking questions rather than generating ideas. The central concept is written in the center of a diagram (like a star), and participants generate questions around the concept (hence the "bursting" of questions). This technique is particularly useful for exploring all aspects and implications of a given idea or problem.

While they serve similar purposes in the ideation process, mind mapping emphasizes visual organization and exploration of ideas, while starbursting centers on questioning and analysis

S.C.A.M.P.E.R Technique

An ideation tool that recognises that new and effective ideas can arise from making slight changes or alterations to existing ideas. Each letter stands for a different method of manipulating or questioning an existing idea to generate new ones:

1. S - Substitute: In this step, you consider substituting elements of the idea with something else. This could involve changing materials, processes, or other components while retaining the core concept.

2. C - Combine: Here, you explore possibilities by combining different elements of the idea. This might involve merging features, concepts, or functions to create something new and innovative.

3. A - Adapt: Adaptation involves modifying or adjusting existing elements to fit a new context or purpose. This could mean tweaking the idea to suit different demographics, environments, or needs.

4. M - Modify: Modification entails making changes to various aspects of the idea. This could involve altering size, shape, color, or other attributes to improve functionality or appeal.

5. P - Put to another use: This step involves considering alternative applications or contexts for the idea. You explore how the idea could be repurposed or used in different ways to solve other problems or meet different needs.

6. E - Eliminate: Elimination involves removing or simplifying elements of the idea. This step helps streamline the concept, focusing on its core components and eliminating any unnecessary or redundant features.

7. R - Reverse (or Rearrange): Finally, reversing or rearranging involves flipping the idea on its head or reorganizing its components in a novel way. This step encourages thinking in unconventional directions and challenging assumptions.

By systematically applying these techniques to an existing idea, SCAMPER helps stimulate creativity and generate a diverse range of new concepts and possibilities.

Ideation techniques are more than just about generating ideas; they're about fostering creativity, exploring possibilities, and driving change. Incorporating these techniques empowers you to tackle challenges with confidence and drive meaningful innovation. Whether you're a seasoned innovator or just starting out, remember: your next big idea is within reach. Dare to dream, dare to create, dare to innovate.

Photo by Hugo Rocha on Unsplash

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